I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing
John 15:5
John 15:5

From partnering with Brenda Hospital to achieve hundreds of life-saving surgeries and serving over 70,000 free meals in Africa, to sharing God's love with widows and battered women in India, to supporting underground churches and witnessing many salvations, 2024 was a rewarding year full of meaningful milestones for ILF.
Entering 2025, it is comforting to know that Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. John 15 serves as a constant reminder to stay focused on who Christ is in us and His vision for us. As we seek God's presence in all our projects, we are excited to embrace His evolving vision for 2025: to ENGAGE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER the communities we are called to SERVE.
Entering 2025, it is comforting to know that Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. John 15 serves as a constant reminder to stay focused on who Christ is in us and His vision for us. As we seek God's presence in all our projects, we are excited to embrace His evolving vision for 2025: to ENGAGE, EQUIP, and EMPOWER the communities we are called to SERVE.
“Mama Salone Harvest” Project: Africa
Sierra Leonians call their country “Mama Salone, the Land that We Love”, inspiring the name for this project. The Mama Salone Harvest Project utilizes advanced cassava and potato processing equipment, allowing the local farmers to increase efficiency, boost income, and promote sustainability. This is an opportunity for ILF to share God's love and compassion with the local community, bridging evangelism and social action.
Child Sponsorship Program Expansion: India
In October 2024, ILF launched a new and improved child sponsorship platform. We are thrilled to expand our efforts to foster meaningful relationships between children and loving sponsors in both Africa and India, starting in spring 2025.
New ILF Mobile App: USA
Development of ILF’s mobile app is nearly finished! This app will address both the need for accessible resources for like-minded ministries and the need for a central communication platform to EQUIP, ENGAGE, EMPOWER, and SERVE our team on the ground. We hope this new tool will help us streamline our ministry communication around the globe.
Got Milk Project: India
Our dairy farm development project, which began in early 2024, aims to provide a renewable source of income for our ILF community in India. We are excited to witness this project coming to fruition and anticipate starting production by late spring 2025.
Beauty for Ashes Program Outreach: India
Fueled by a deep desire to share God’s love, Beauty for Ashes started in 2024 to meet the needs of widows suffering in Southern India. It is now a sanctuary to protect and EMPOWER local widows and battered women. In 2025, we hope Beauty for Ashes will become an outreach tool. Program members, along with ILF’s spiritual leaders, will inspire other impacted and distressed women in their communities to embrace their new identity in Christ and break free from toxic environments.
Spring Fundraiser: USA
ILF will host a semi-annual fundraiser in May. This intimate event will share God's story and presence, inviting attendees to embrace our mission in the communities we serve. Stay tuned for more details!
Sierra Leonians call their country “Mama Salone, the Land that We Love”, inspiring the name for this project. The Mama Salone Harvest Project utilizes advanced cassava and potato processing equipment, allowing the local farmers to increase efficiency, boost income, and promote sustainability. This is an opportunity for ILF to share God's love and compassion with the local community, bridging evangelism and social action.
Child Sponsorship Program Expansion: India
In October 2024, ILF launched a new and improved child sponsorship platform. We are thrilled to expand our efforts to foster meaningful relationships between children and loving sponsors in both Africa and India, starting in spring 2025.
New ILF Mobile App: USA
Development of ILF’s mobile app is nearly finished! This app will address both the need for accessible resources for like-minded ministries and the need for a central communication platform to EQUIP, ENGAGE, EMPOWER, and SERVE our team on the ground. We hope this new tool will help us streamline our ministry communication around the globe.
Got Milk Project: India
Our dairy farm development project, which began in early 2024, aims to provide a renewable source of income for our ILF community in India. We are excited to witness this project coming to fruition and anticipate starting production by late spring 2025.
Beauty for Ashes Program Outreach: India
Fueled by a deep desire to share God’s love, Beauty for Ashes started in 2024 to meet the needs of widows suffering in Southern India. It is now a sanctuary to protect and EMPOWER local widows and battered women. In 2025, we hope Beauty for Ashes will become an outreach tool. Program members, along with ILF’s spiritual leaders, will inspire other impacted and distressed women in their communities to embrace their new identity in Christ and break free from toxic environments.
Spring Fundraiser: USA
ILF will host a semi-annual fundraiser in May. This intimate event will share God's story and presence, inviting attendees to embrace our mission in the communities we serve. Stay tuned for more details!

We thank you for accompanying us on this journey with your support, prayers, and encouragement, continually reminding ourselves that apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.
You can help fund the vision God has given ILF for 2025. Click below to donate today!
You can help fund the vision God has given ILF for 2025. Click below to donate today!