Empowering Children in Sierra Leone

“I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.”
2 Samuel 22:4 


According to UNICEF, West and Central Africa have the highest prevalence of child marriage in the world, with Sierra Leone being home to over 800,000 child brides.

When the ILF team discovered child marriages in the communities we serve, we took immediate, prayerful action:
  • We partnered with the local police’s Family Support Unit (FSU) to rescue the children.
  • We conducted multiple community-wide trainings on child health and safety, and will continue these quarterly to prevent future child marriages.
  • Our Board of Directors created an audio series and a training manual for ILF staff and community leaders, addressing the spiritual, social, and physical implications of child marriage.
Holistic ministry aims to address the real, tangible issues facing communities through a biblical, Christ-honoring approach.  By addressing child marriage through God's design for marriage, we've seen a powerful transformation in Sierra Leone in regard to the sensitive and difficult practice of child marriage.
Whether through prayer, participation in our programs, or offering encouragement, we invite you to GET INVOLVED in empowering children in Sierra Leone.