Deep Hunger for the Gospel

Holistic Ministry values both evangelism and social action as the driving force of sustainability and impact.

With the second largest population in the world, India is an ancient and beautiful nation with captivating cultures, peoples, and stories. However, there is a deep hunger for the Gospel.

By partnering with local ministries, it is our belief that a holistic approach through empowering local leadership and promoting community participation is instrumental to transforming indigenous communities with the fulfilling hope of the Gospel.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

- Romans 10:14

The Diversity Of India

  • 1.2 Billion People
  • 4700 castes
  • 2500 distinct people groups
  • 894 languages
  • 70 languages with a full Bible translation
  • 5.84% professing Christians
  • 88% unreached people

Will You Become A Transformation Partner?


Will you commit to praying for our partners in India as they have committed to bringing the name of Jesus to the unreached in their nation?


Through your support, 80 leaders are given the financial means to support both their families and ministries. Spiritual support is given through resources, devotionals, and Q&A with our team in the US.
ILF’s holistic ministry entails more than sponsoring a program. It goes beyond short-term, relief-oriented aid. It is a promise of hope. It is a confirmation of God’s Grace. Thank you for helping us make an impact!